So you may (or may not) heard that TopShop was put into the negative lights these days because they had a way to skinny and unhealthy looking model for their new campaign. You can read the article here
But what made it for me more interesting is the post that model Codie Young wrote on her blog. Where she told her side of the story.
hey all.
I have recently come across this article to do with topshop and the lookbook I recently did for them in London.
And I feel very hurt by the whole article and comments made by professionals such as Helen Davies "from UK anorexia charity beat" and Karen Easthall "from anorexica support group in Norfolk".
Firstly I feel very hurt because these supposed professionals who deal with anorexic sufferers, everyday for the job/career. Are talking about me as if I'm not a real person (like I'm just a model used for them to prove some point) which is not the case I am a real person with real feelings just like everyone else and comments made by these people do hurt and affect me. So I feel its very necessary for me to say something!
Not only this but I feel its very unprofessional for two professionals such as these to ladies to accuse me of under eating and saying "The girl looks ill... I dread to think whats under her clothes" 'Karen Easthall" she further added "There are tens of thousands of teenagers battling to overcome anorexica who could be affected by seeing pictures of dangerously thin girls being glamourised", Helen Davies "For girls to see pictures of models who are this thin suggests that its okay to be like that, when its clearly not".
Firstly this is very hurtful to me as I am naturally skinny; and anyone who knows me would know that I have been naturally skinny my entire life as my dad is 6'5 tall and skinny an my mum is also skinny, not to mention that my entire family on my dads side are all tall and skinny like me!
For someone like Ms Davies to say its not okay for me to be this thin ( which is how I was created) basicly says its not okay for me to be who I am!
I am very happy with my body and how I look because its apart of who I am! Throughout my entire childhood I was called anorexic and people would ask if I was bulimic. And it was really hard sometimes for me to deal with as I have always been this way.
You know what some people are just naturally skinny and even if I tried to put on weight it wouldn't matter, because it doesn't matter what I eat, I dont put it on. sorry to dissapoint you but why should I be accused of something so awful as being anorexic when I'm most definitally not. I love food as anyone who actually knows me would know!!!
And finally yes okay I maybe an American size 0-2 and a UK size 8 so what. There are overweight/obese people who are a size 34 or 18 but know one says anything to them because you don't want to affend them! Just because someone eats a lot doesn't make them healthy. Just like not eating anything doesnt make you healthy. And funny enough saying I'm anorexic affends me just as being called obese affends overweight people, but the differences is that im not anorexic!
I was deeply hurt by this and I hope all who read my blog truely don't think I'm anorexic. As I am most definitally not!
This whole post made me think about it, we all say: OMG she's so thin, OMG I would love to lock her up in the McDonalds for days. But we never think about the models, you know if I were in her shoes I would feel the same. It's like calling a cubby person fat or a pig, right? I would love to hear your thoughts on this subject!
With love,